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           Karen Nowodzelski is a multi-disciplinary artist from Lake Mills, WI currently living in Milwaukee, WI. She is a Spring 2022 graduate of The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee with a Bachelor of Arts degree with a focus in Studio Arts. Since graduating she has continued to take studio courses at UW Milwaukee, UW Milwaukee at Waukesha Field station and Center for the study of Figurative ceramics. In 2024 she is the Scholar in Residence at the UW Waukesha Field station. 







​           Through my work I examine femininity, the female perspective in our patriarchal society and the overall human experience. I work to explore light, childlike emotions and deeper issues and emotions. I often use my work as a reflection of my life's experiences and being in the present moment. Using ceramic figurative sculpture as my vessel I work to push these ideas and reflections of my life. Much of my work is inspired by Greek and Roman sculpture in their grandness and significance. I encourage the viewer to interpret the pieces and find their own individual narratives or experiences from the work.



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